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1. Teachers who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement

2. A teacher can exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students a sense of belonging and acceptance

3. Classrooms have norms when most of the students agree on what is and is not socially acceptable classroom behaviour

4. Social psychologists believe that the process of group formation begins when its members agree to go against the norms of the group

5. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks

6. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things independently of the teacher

7. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate, but should work for student success regardless of the climate

8. During the first few weeks of school, teachers should focus almost exclusively on school work and rules and exclude concerns about inclusion concerns of students

9. Not enforcing rules consistently will keep rules from being effective

10.Closure is simply ending the lesson

11.Teachers can do very little to influence classroom norms

12.The physical arrangement of a classroom contributes little to the overall social climate

13.Referent power is the kind of influence a teacher gains with students when they feel their teacher is trustworthy, fair, and concerned about them as individuals

14. If group members rebel against group norms, it is a sure sign that the norms were improperly established

15. One of the best ways to communicate "withitness" is through use of eye contac

16. Studying Reward power is so strong that it eradicates the value of any other kind of teacher power in the classroom

17.It is helpful to display a listing of prior assignments somewhere in the classroom for students who miss class or need to make up work for some reason

18.Coercive power is the most effective type of social power teachers can use to establish a healthy and productive classroom environment

19.Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided

20.Even if a lesson has gone well, closure is still important to help students remember what was learned and place it in perspective

21. Glasser believes that there is no excuse for disrupting an environment designed to meet learners needs

22.The classroom management tradition offers extensive immediate solutions for behavior problems

23.Components of low-profile classroom management for dealing with surface misbehavior are anticipation, deflection, reaction, and resolution

24.When disruptive behavior occurs that cannot be anticipated or redirected, the primary goal should be to end the behavior as quickly as possible

25.When the consequences following a behavior changes the probability of that behavior's occurrence, reinforcement has occurred

26. Positive reinforcement acts as a reward only if the learner who is receiving it considers it a reward

27.Warnings with no consequences may undermine the integrity of the rules and the teacher

28.Without appropriate reward and punishment from parents, school interventions will seldom have a lasting effect in relation to misbehaviour

29. A moment of reflection after a parent conference will help to sharpen a teacher's parent-conferencing skills

30. In applying the behaviorist approach, one of the things that should be done is to identify both the inappropriate behavior that needs changing and the appropriate behavior needed to take its place

31. Students can, in almost all cases, control their behavior if expected and allowed to do so

32.It is generally best for the teacher to choose the punishment for a misbehaving student since a disruptive student has yielded his or her right to agency and privilege

33.It takes time to establish a successful classroom routine, so new teachers shouldn't be overly concerned about management issues until after the first month of school

34.If you are teaching students a classroom rule at the beginning of the year, you should keep teaching it until it is learned

35.When learning a concept, both examples and non-examples are important in helping to learn essential and nonessential attributes of the concept

36.The direct instruction model is a teacher-centered strategy in which the teacher is the major information provider

37.Research indicates that cooperative learning functions and behaviors are among those that correlate highest with student achievement measured by standardized tests

38. A direct instruction format is usually not the best to use when the content being taught represents task-relevant prior knowledge for subsequent learning

39. Direct instruction is most appropriate when presenting complex skills and problem solving

40. For direct instruction, a primary ingredient is presenting the material in small steps

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