Administration is the primary activity of any school but not the machinery for running the primary activities of the school.
Delegation in a school setting is a process by which school heard transfer their core responsibilities to their subordinates.
The purpose of the evaluation is to make?
Students learn best in a multitude of ways rather than one dominant means,
Test item cannot discriminate low achievers and high achievers when its value is lower than?
The first step in measurement is?
The process of making judgment is called
The chief responsibility of the headteacher is
If a test is valid then it is reliable.
A test very popular with class room teacher is?
The individual in the group given the task of directing and coordinating is
Which questions are difficult to mark with reliability?
In line with the Education strategic plan, the ministry of Education is focused on ensuring Ghana becomes a learning nation.
Accountability and improvement are two major purposes of assessment in education.
Types of supervision encouraging variety, originality and independent experimentation is
Sense of responsibility is not cared in
The process of directing others, towards the accomplishment of some objectives is
A graphical illustration of the formal structure of personnel in a district or regional office is called a scalar chart.
Who is called father of scientific management theory