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The incorrect option in a multiple choice questions is called....

The 2022 Teachers' Aptitude Test will be the ......... edition of the written test that has come to replace the face-to-face interview.

Which of the evidence of validity deals with representativeness of the domains and relevance of the test?

To ensure safe and a healthy school environment that foster effective teaching and learning, GES has introduced alternative punishment contained in a document called .......

The consistency of the scores obtained by the same student when examined with the same test on different occasions or with alternative forms is termed as ....

WASSCE and BECE are examples of .....

Mr. Mensah's gave Kofi lower score than ought to have obtained because the teacher was influenced by the scripts of other students he had already marked. This illustrates ........... in scoring

Which of following is/are assessment method(s)?

I. Checklist
II. Interview
III. Observation
III. Questionnaire
IV. Test

The Deputy Director-General in charge of Quality and Access is .............

The leadership power associated with the leader's position is called ....

The process of using available resources to achieve the desired outcome is termed....

Capitation Grant is used for the following purpose except...

Which of the SDGs is directly related to education?

The last stage in curriculum development is .....

Which of the following is not an agency established by the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 1023?

_____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other during presentations.

An old but effective teaching strategy is____________?

All the verbal and non-verbal communications between teachers and students are called_____________?

In a __________ student’s formally present material then respond to questions from the audience?

When a learner is learning to satisfy his needs and wants, he is actually doing______________?

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