Security of attachment to mother is typically measured by:
Both 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes are found in:
Experimental designs are characterized by:
Spearman's 'G ' factor of Intelligence is:
Who among the following propounded 'socialism' in education?
The first sense to develop is:
What is teaching through deductive method?
Cognition can be stated as...................
The mirror-rouge task measures:
Who gives more stress to the philosophy of social constructivism?
How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?
Diagnostic evaluation ascertains
Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age in view of
“Give me a dozen of healthy children I can make them Doctor, Judge, Beggar and even a Thief” – Comment made by
The reinforcement schedule that yields the lowest performance is the:
Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?
Select "the educable" group of students from the following groups, indicating different I.Q. levels
Dyslexia is associated with
The black-board can be utilized best by a teacher for
The greatest technique to review progress and improvement of the kid is–
The development that proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis i.e. head to foot is termed as.........
For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should
Interaction inside the classroom should generate
Education develops child’s..........................
A graphical illustration of the formal structure of personnel in a district or regional office is called a scalar chart.
Delegation in a school setting is a process by which school heard transfer their core responsibilities to their subordinates.
In line with the Education strategic plan, the ministry of Education is focused on ensuring Ghana becomes a learning nation.
The national accreditation board is responsible accrediting service providers who offer in-service training service to teachers.
If a test is valid then it is reliable.
The most suitable Microsoft application to keep personal records of staff in a school is Microsoft Access.
Accountability and improvement are two major purposes of assessment in education.
A School improvement Office (SISO) is an administrator.
The West African Examination council does not operate in Francophone West Africa.
Administration is the primary activity of any school but not the machinery for running the primary activities of the school.