Welcome to your DD TRUE AND FALSE 2020 N11
37. Evidence of a positive school ethos includes consistent shares values and standards.
39. Students learn best in a multitude of ways rather than one dominant means,
38. It is important that circuit supervisor keep their teachers’ lesson plan notebooks.
40. The competency-based training curriculum delivery methodology is suitable for TVET training at the second cycle level of Education.
41. Every goal in the 2030 Agenda require education to empower people with the knowledge, skill and values to live in dignity, build their lives and co tribute to their societies.
42. A school head promoting professional learning community can lead to a sense of competition among teachers in a school.
43. As a supervisor, consulting your staff in advance when developing a plan may direct your attention to potential pitfalls.
44. The need for supervisor to engage in a human relations angle of supervision means that the supervisor should be involve in problem solving and learner-centered education.
45. In mainstreaming special education students, it is important that they experience an education environment that reinforces the differences between special education and general students.
46. The school head should ensure that aid vouchers are numbered sequentially and entered same in the log book and properly filled.
47. Climate change, Environmental Education for sustainable Development have become major tools for protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable development,
48. Even though homework is important in the instructional system and teachers must therefore give homework as part of the instructional process, it is Not scored part of the School based Assessment in Ghana.
49. A teacher must test his/her students when assessing them.
50. Objective type test cannot be used to assess higher order thinking abilities.
51. Transfers within the GES is an external exercise.
52. Transfers within GES structure, decision making takes place only within the GES council.
53. The GES Act 1995 (Act 506) and the Education Act 2008 (Act 877) are statutes that are directly related to the functions of GES.
54. The GES Act 1974, the new structure and content of education was introduced which brought about the JSS concept implemented on a pilot basis from 1976 to 1987.
55. The ministry of Education’s main mandate is to formulate education policies. A legal incident in this monitoring and evaluating their performance.
56. Legitimate power of a school head is conferred by virtue of his or her appointment to the position and therefore can exert administrative authority.