Welcome to your 2021 ADII SPEED TEST

1. The common Core Programme ( CCP) for Junior and Senior High Schools consists of how many subjects

2. Which one of the agencies is not a body under the Ministry of Education which implements its policies and programme related to education

3. Which of the following is/are the objectives of the 1987 Education Reform?

I. Increase access to basic education
II. Shorten the pre-university education structure from 17 years
III. Make education cost –effective
IV. Improving quality of education by making it more effective to socio-economic conditions

4. Which of the following was part of the programme and intentions implemented to facilitate the attainment of the Free Compulsory University Basic School (FCUBE)policy objectives?

I. Quality improvement in primary schools (QUIPS)
II. CHILD School Community progress in Education (Child Scope)
III. Performance Monitoring Test (PMT)
IV. District Teacher Support Teams (DIST)

5. Ghana’s system of education is aimed at which of these aspects of development?

6. The Ghana Education Service Act 1995

7. Which of the following is /are not the ways through which education policies are formulated?

I. Imposition by elites
II. Political discussions
III. Stakeholder consultation

8. Which of the following subjects is not part of the list of subjects to be studied under the common core programme for junior and Senior High School in Ghana?

9. The current Deputy Director – General of the Ghana Education service in change of quality and Access is known as

10. Membership of the Ghana Education service is made up of all the following except

11. Which of the following is the least remedy for students absenteeism in school

12. The Head teacher in a learner centered school undertakes all the following activities to enhance teaching and learning except

13. Which of the following is the most common role of a teacher in education?

14. Which one of the following is not of the core competencies emphasized in the new standards-based curriculum?

15. Which of the following methods, techniques and principles are teachers encouraging to use to promote effective teaching and learning?

i. Providing guidance and practice in class independent practice
ii. Motivating and sustaining pupil's interest
iii. Motivating and sustaining pupil's interest
iv. Involve each learner in the teaching/learning process
v. Even distribution of evaluative questions

16. Supervision of teaching many ensure

17. Management is commonly define as

18. Race learning is more common with ........................curriculum

19. All the following statements about the teacher are correct except

20. Teaching objectives should be all the following except being

21. The maturity level of students determines the

22. Which one of the following reasons best describes why teachers should ensure that there are physical pathways for students in the classroom?

23. If teacher want present information to students in interesting ways they should start from what they

24. In order to affect a purposeful change in schools, a school leader should ask the question

25. heads of educational institution can appropriate ensure the safety of their students against COVID-19 by the following measures except providing them

26. Which of these questions helps you the least to specify your lesson objectives for students learning as a teacher?

27. Which of these reflective question could best help the classroom teacher to design learning activities for teaching?

28. Which of these Ghanaian language is not approved teaching and learning in Ghanaian schools?

29. Which of these learners attribute is not a major aspect of school bonding ? Attachment to

30. For what reason might a school be unable to maintain adequate educational quality and students discipline

31. Which one of the following types of achievement test items can be used to measure higher order cognitive skills.

32. All of these key terms relate to an / or despite reliability, except

Use the information provided below to answer questions 33to 35

Use the information provided below to answer questions 33to 35

Bloom’s Taxonomy of education objectives lists six levels of intellectual understanding namely knowledge, analysis, comprehension, synthesis, application and evaluation. These levels understanding assists in categorizing text questions 33-39, links the sample questions frame to the appropriate level of intellectual understanding

33. A question which ask learners to restate a concept in their own words is an example of ......... text question frame.

34. A question which asks learners to infer from a concept is an example of ................test question frame

35. A question which learners “what is meant by ‘P’ is an example of ..............test question frame

36. Which one of these statements is not correct about examination?

37. Programme evaluation is one of the many duties assigned to education administrators which one of the following statements describes summative programme examination accurately

38. Out of 50 students who took a test, 45 of them passed, what percentage that found

39. Which of the following is not an example of learning assessment matric for Ghanaian base schools?

40. The general name for storing guide used evaluate the quality of students is called a/an

41. The SOG that relates to education aims to ensure

42. As ways of mitigating the graduate unemployment issues, the government has introduced the following interventions except

43. All of the following are minimum levels of standards every beginner teacher in Ghana must according to the components of the National Teacher’s Standards (NTS), except

44. Which of these general competencies envisioned by Ghana’s pre-tertiary education curriculum framework seeks to promote

45. A student’s ability is analyzing issues and situations leading to the resolution of problems are a demonstration of what kind of competence?

46. Which body within the Ghanaian education system has the overall responsibility for education sector policy formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation, budgeting and coordination?

47. Which of the following is a part of the major regulatory laws governing financial administration in schools in Ghana

48. Which of these options is not a major aim of the Double Track intervention which was introduced in Senior High Schools in Ghana?

49. The activity of teachers investigating their own practice and development useful ideas improve their practice can be referred to as ................research

50. Which of the following offices of the ministry of education houses the Education Management information system (EMIS) date?



INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in the section by identifying whether the statement provided is true or false. Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct or best options on your questions paper.


51. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 Target 1 states that “by 2030, all boys and girls complete free equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcome’

52. A school can directly improve academic performance of students by improving teacher’s note taking skills

53. One of the major quality assurance issues confronting heads of public senior high school is the encroachment on school lands by the local chiefs and other people

54. The school time table brings together subjects, teachers, classes, rooms and equipment in the best possible permutations

55. The overall goal of the Ministry of education is provided relevant and quality education for same Ghanaians

56. The goal of the education sector is in accordance with the Education Act 778

57. The guidance principle of guidance and Counseling is that optimum emotional and psychosocial welling of the leaner is a determination factor for effective learning

58. Outstanding teacher may be selecting for awards by school improvement and support office; pupils/ students heads of institution and colleagues

59. The quality of teaching is determined by the total number of pupil in a class

60. The closing of school, universities and colleagues as a results of Covid-19 outbreak disturbed teaching for students around the world but could not affect education in any way as teaching and learning still go on

61. Equity, inclusion, gender and teacher are cross-cutting issues in education

62. Basic education is designed for all Ghanaian children from age four (4) to fifteen (15) within period of eleven (11) years

63. Creativity and innovation (CI) skills enable learners to develop their cognitive and reasoning abilities to analysis to the revolution of problem

64. An important strategy that will help you as a teacher to introduce your topic is to anticipate student question

65. Summative assessment can take the form of progress review meetings between the teacher and students various points the term

66. It is not recommended to take statements directly from tests to make good true or false

67. Strategies such as writing detailed test question or prompts, including clear directions, and establishments and communicating clear grading criteria will increase test reliability

68. Two keys characteristics of any form of assessment validity and reliability. Another way to think of reliability is in terms of replicability

69. Students performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amount of time to the material needed rather than the teaching content

70. In Ghana, financial accountability is one of the major responsibilities of the heads of schools

72. An advantage of planning is that we tend to focus on what work today and not how to deal with the issues of tomorrow

73. Teacher Education Design (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service

74. The Ghana Tertiary Education Commission comprises of National Accreditation Board and the National Council for Tertiary Education

75. The Ghana Education Service Council submits to the Ministry of Education recommendation for tertiary education policies and programmes in Ghana

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