This part covers mostly Educational Learning Theories, Behavioural Approach, Cognitive Approach, Constructivism Approach, Humanism Approach , Connectivism Approach, Educational Psychology.


A major strength of 'Ecological Theory" is its framework for explaining

“No disinterested pursuit of knowledge and no intellectual education for its own sake” was the slogan of the

Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is ___________

Stanford Binet Scale measures the following attribute of an individual:

The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying ________

The professional requirement of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication is/are

Which of the following are the External Factors affecting the interest of students in classroom?

Thumb sucking, Nail biting etc., similar actions are due to:

Education is called a triangular process. Which are the three sides of the triangle?

The term 'gene' for the factors controlling heredity was coined by –

One of the basic principles of socializing individuals is:

........... is considered a sign of motivated teaching.

It takes a maturation of months for the child to take his first step in walking.

A teacher has serious defect if he/she _______________

A procedure that establishes a sequence of responses which lead to a reward following the final response and then working backwards is called

Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligences, which among the following is not one of them?

I.Q range of morons are in the range of:

Education develops child’s..........................

Creativity increases with....................

Marxist educational philosophy is closer to .................

Learning is the modification of behaviour which is relatively......................

The earliest studies on record of verbal learning and memory were conducted by:

Absenteeism can be tackled by:

Instructional aides are used by the teacher to

Classroom communication is normally considered as

Nowadays, the most effective mode of learning is

“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, gives the message that

A teacher can be successful if he/she

An effective teaching aid is one which

In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be

A body of knowledge and set of competencies that form the basis for a quality education is termed as...

The curriculum identifies core competencies

Which of the following is not a competency of the standard based curriculum?

_______ is a type of quality assurance process used in the country under which services and operations of pre tertiary schools and educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met

The national council for curriculum assessment has introduced a new standard based curriculum for schools in Ghana

The first phase of the curriculum is at its implementation stage and is from .......

The term syllables has been changed to ....

In the new curriculum, teachers are now called...

The term strand refers to. in the old curriculum

In the new curriculum, topics have been changed to ........

Teaching and learning activities are now known as ....

Circuit supervisors are now referred to as...

Starter has now replace ....

Professional learning communities was formerly known as...

Scheme of work is now called...

Curriculum is the entire range of experiences, both direct and undirected, concerned in unfolding the abilities of the individual. This definition was given by...

Creative writing should be an activity planned for ________

The cognitive structures into which children organize their behaviour and knowledge are called

Which is the place where the child's cognitive development is defined in the best way?

Environmental education should be taught in schools because—

Development of a learner is linked to:

It is good to give homework, so that students …………..

What is meant by development?

Areas / sources of information for psychological foundation are:

On which animal Pavlov conducted his experiment

Types of individual differences are:

Which of the following factors comes in the way of girls' personal rights?

Spearman's 'G ' factor of Intelligence is:

Experimental designs are characterized by:

Who among the following propounded 'socialism' in education?

Security of attachment to mother is typically measured by:

Cognition can be stated as...................

The mirror-rouge task measures:

What is teaching through deductive method?

The first sense to develop is:

Both 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes are found in:

Who gives more stress to the philosophy of social constructivism?

The reinforcement schedule that yields the lowest performance is the:

Select "the educable" group of students from the following groups, indicating different I.Q. levels

“Give me a dozen of healthy children I can make them Doctor, Judge, Beggar and even a Thief” – Comment made by

Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?

Diagnostic evaluation ascertains

How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?

Dyslexia is associated with

Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age in view of

The black-board can be utilized best by a teacher for

RTE stands to

Interaction inside the classroom should generate

The development that proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis i.e. head to foot is termed as.........

For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should

The greatest technique to review progress and improvement of the kid is–

The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

"A Child can think logically about objects and events". This is the characteristic given by Piaget of stage–

A successful teacher is one who is

Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligences, which among the following is not one of them?

Which of the following does not specify Max Weber’s concept of social stratification?

Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?

“Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words”, was the slogan of the

If any girl child does not come to school regularly you will

Project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding on a social environment”, it was defined by

Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?

‘Coherence’ is the criterion of truth is

Education of children with special needs should be provided

ho emphasized that the aim of education should be the development in children the feeling of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?

Special education is related to _________

The family imparts education to the child

The most important trait of a student is __________

The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability

Which of the following is correctly arranged?

That the mind of an infant is a tabula rasa is the contribution of:

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