Welcome to the True/False Page This test items contains all True and False questions that dropped in 2020 and 2021 Assistant Director I promotion exams. You can read more on how to answer True or False Questions here ASSISTANT DIRECTOR II 2021 TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS 1. The overall goal of the Ministry of education is provided relevant and quality education for same Ghanaians TRUE FALSE None 2. The guidance principle of guidance and Counseling is that optimum emotional and psychosocial welling of the leaner is a determination factor for effective learning TRUE FALSE None 3. The quality of teaching is determined by the total number of pupil in a class TRUE FALSE None 4. An important strategy that will help you as a teacher to introduce your topic is to anticipate student question TRUE FALSE None 5. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 Target 1 states that “by 2030, all boys and girls complete free equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcome’ TRUE FALSE None 6. It is not recommended to take statements directly from tests to make good true or false TRUE FALSE None 7. Two keys characteristics of any form of assessment validity and reliability. Another way to think of reliability is in terms of replicability TRUE FALSE None 8. Teacher Education Design (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service TRUE FALSE None 9. An advantage of planning is that we tend to focus on what work today and not how to deal with the issues of tomorrow TRUE FALSE None 10. In Ghana, financial accountability is one of the major responsibilities of the heads of schools TRUE FALSE None 11. The school time table brings together subjects, teachers, classes, rooms and equipment in the best possible permutations TRUE FALSE None 12. One of the major quality assurance issues confronting heads of public senior high school is the encroachment on school lands by the local chiefs and other people TRUE FALSE None 13. The goal of the education sector is in accordance with the Education Act 778 TRUE FALSE None 14. The Ghana Education Service Council submits to the Ministry of Education recommendation for tertiary education policies and programmes in Ghana TRUE FALSE None 15. Students performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amount of time to the material needed rather than the teaching content TRUE FALSE None 16. Basic education is designed for all Ghanaian children from age four (4) to fifteen (15) within period of eleven (11) years TRUE FALSE None 17. Equity, inclusion, gender and teacher are cross-cutting issues in education TRUE FALSE None 18. Outstanding teacher may be selecting for awards by school improvement and support office; pupils/ students heads of institution and colleagues TRUE FALSE None 19. The closing of school, universities and colleagues as a results of Covid-19 outbreak disturbed teaching for students around the world but could not affect education in any way as teaching and learning still go on TRUE FALSE None 20. A school can directly improve academic performance of students by improving teacher’s note taking skills TRUE FALSE None 21. The Ghana Tertiary Education Commission comprises of National Accreditation Board and the National Council for Tertiary Education TRUE FALSE None 22. Strategies such as writing detailed test question or prompts, including clear directions, and establishments and communicating clear grading criteria will increase test reliability TRUE FALSE None 23. Summative assessment can take the form of progress review meetings between the teacher and students various points the term TRUE FALSE None ASSISTANT DIRECTOR II 2020 TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS 24. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on education in Ghana. A. True B. False None 25. Teaches Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service headquarters. A. True B. False None 26. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material. A. True B. False None 27. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward. A. True B. False None 28. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate A. True B. False None 29. The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably A. True B. False None 30. Licensure and exit are best predictors of classroom performance of teachers. A. True B. False None 31. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students sense of belonging and acceptance. A. True B. False None 32. Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or compose a response to a prompt. A. True B. False None 33. In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions. A. True B. False None 34. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/or what is not socially acceptable classroom behavior. A. True B. False None 35. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on education in Ghana. A. True B. False None 36. In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standard set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers’ must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such critical role. A. True B. False None 37. Social psychologist believes that the process of group formation begin when its members agree to go against the norms of the group. A. True B. False None 38. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/or what is not socially acceptable classroom behavior. A. True B. False None 39. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided. A. True B. False None 40. Teaches Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service headquarters. A. True B. False None 41. What a teacher does not say is every bit as important as what a teacher does say. A. True B. False None 42. Students’ performance is higher in classes where the teachers devotes large amount of time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content. A. True B. False None 43. What a teacher does not say is every bit as important as what a teacher does say. A. True B. False None 44. In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them A. True B. False None 45. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False None 46. A teacher who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement. A. True B. False None 47. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies A. True B. False None 48. In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions. A. True B. False None 49. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material. A. True B. False None 50. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks. A. True B. False None 51. Students’ performance is higher in classes where the teachers devotes large amount of time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content. A. True B. False None 52. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to make decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect collegiality A. True B. False None 53. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward. A. True B. False None 54. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education. A. True B. False None 55. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to make decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect collegiality A. True B. False None 56. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things. A. True B. False None 57. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided. A. True B. False None 58. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and supplies. A. True B. False None 59. Licensure and exit are best predictors of classroom performance of teachers. A. True B. False None 60. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and supplies. A. True B. False None 61. Teaches Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service headquarters. A. True B. False None 62. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks. A. True B. False None 63. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies A. True B. False None 64. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on education in Ghana. A. True B. False None 65. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students sense of belonging and acceptance. A. True B. False None 66. Social psychologist believes that the process of group formation begin when its members agree to go against the norms of the group. A. True B. False None 67. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education. A. True B. False None 68. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things. A. True B. False None 69. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate A. True B. False None 70. A teacher who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement. A. True B. False None 71. Licensure and exit are best predictors of classroom performance of teachers. A. True B. False None 72. Social psychologist believes that the process of group formation begin when its members agree to go against the norms of the group. A. True B. False None 73. Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or compose a response to a prompt. A. True B. False None 74. The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably A. True B. False None 75. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students sense of belonging and acceptance. A. True B. False None 76. In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them A. True B. False None 77. What a teacher does not say is every bit as important as what a teacher does say. A. True B. False None 78. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/or what is not socially acceptable classroom behavior. A. True B. False None 79. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education. A. True B. False None 80. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False None 81. Students’ performance is higher in classes where the teachers devotes large amount of time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content. A. True B. False None 82. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material. A. True B. False None 83. A teacher who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement. A. True B. False None 84. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks. A. True B. False None 85. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies A. True B. False None 86. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate A. True B. False None 87. In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standard set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers’ must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such critical role. A. True B. False None 88. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and supplies. A. True B. False None 89. In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions. A. True B. False None 90. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False None 91. Teaches Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service headquarters. A. True B. False None 92. Social psychologist believes that the process of group formation begin when its members agree to go against the norms of the group. A. True B. False None 93. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/or what is not socially acceptable classroom behavior. A. True B. False None 94. In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions. A. True B. False None 95. What a teacher does not say is every bit as important as what a teacher does say. A. True B. False None 96. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to make decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect collegiality A. True B. False None 97. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward. A. True B. False None 98. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things. A. True B. False None 99. The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably A. True B. False None 100. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided. A. True B. False None 101. In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them A. True B. False None 102. In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standard set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers’ must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such critical role. A. True B. False None 103. A teacher who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement. A. True B. False None 104. Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or compose a response to a prompt. A. True B. False None 105. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on education in Ghana. A. True B. False None 106. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate A. True B. False None 107. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students sense of belonging and acceptance. A. True B. False None 108. Licensure and exit are best predictors of classroom performance of teachers. A. True B. False None 109. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to make decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect collegiality A. True B. False None 110. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided. A. True B. False None 111. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward. A. True B. False None 112. Students’ performance is higher in classes where the teachers devotes large amount of time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content. A. True B. False None 113. Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or compose a response to a prompt. A. True B. False None 114. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies A. True B. False None 115. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and supplies. A. True B. False None 116. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False None 117. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material. A. True B. False None 118. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things. A. True B. False None 119. In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standard set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers’ must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such critical role. A. True B. False None 120. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks. A. True B. False None 121. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education. A. True B. False None 122. In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them A. True B. False None 123. The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably A. True B. False None TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS Time's up
Welcome to the True/False Page This test items contains all True and False questions that dropped in 2020 and 2021 Assistant Director I promotion exams.
You can read more on how to answer True or False Questions here
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