___________ are visual frameworks to help the learner make connections between concepts?
Which is the best method of study of child behavior?
How shall you help a student who has failed in the half yearly examination?
The “Apology” the Plato’s recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with____________?
Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were_________?
To break information into parts and to examine the information is called____________?
____________ is pair activity in which students have exactly 30 seconds to share all they known
To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with colleagues:
For a good communication_____________is required?
Discovery teaching is actually a___________?
In education, __________ is used to make inference about the learning and development of students?
Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
In direct instruction method or lecture method the teacher is considered as_____________?
The term heuristic means __________ in decision making.
True or false items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because?
When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?
The teacher wants students to practice by repetition of some learning content, he normally uses ____________ method?
What is meaning of growth?
Which one is not among the elements of Active learning?
_____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other during presentations.
To read the lesson before teaching it is called ____________?
The conclusion of a deductive argument is____________?
One on one approach to teaching or re-teaching concepts is termed as___________?
The students of class v make too much of noise in Math’s class. The probable reason of this could be that the teacher
There is __________ in working memory as people gets older.
Formative assessment is an assessment ___________ learning?
Intelligence level of gifted student is____________?
The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.
Effective teaching is a function of_____________?
Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is____________?
Validity of an assessment relates to the ___________ of an assessment?
Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method?
The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is__________?
The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is___________?
Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?
When a learner is learning to satisfy his needs and wants, he is actually doing______________?
During the teaching-learning process, peer assessment, in addition to Exit Tickets/Slips are performed in:________?
Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the____________?
When instruction is delivered by a person close in age or achievement to the person receiving instruction, the process is known as:
___________ can be useful in motivating some students to learn?
When students begin learning with an activity designed to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions, the method of teaching is called____________?
Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students:
When students are asked to prepare an analysis of critic all features of an object or concept, the strategy is termed as__________?
Which of the following factors the classroom management?
Circles of learning were formulated by__________?
The focus of national education policy 1978 was on____________?
We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate____________?
While delivering lecture in the class a teacher:
“All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of___________?
We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate____________?
While delivering lecture in the class a teacher:
“All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of___________?
Developing new rules and principles on the basis of given facts and information in memory level is called___________?
Evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized on the ground that:
Plato argued that __________ are fit to rule?
Open University was established under the policy?
The meaning of teaching method is?
Which of the following techniques is used in educational surveys?
The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is_________?
Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the__________?
___________ is an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts?
Plato believed that talent and intelligence are:
Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as___________?
The amount set apart by East India Company for educational purpose was RS________?
Who is considered as “Father of Education”?
Guidance differs from counseling in which of the following manner?
The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called___________?
According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) material world is a/an __________ of the real world.
Generally students like those teachers who:
Every system of education is based on______________?
According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering_______________?
Which of the following strategies is problem centered?
To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called__________?
The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are changes in mental structure are called____________?
According to John Locke, a child’s mind does not contain any______________?
Jean Piaget proposed ___________ stages of Cognitive Development?
To increase the confidence of the teacher
Conferences are face to face_____________?
The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was__________?
The truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is___________?
What should teacher do after teaching the lesson?
The word “Pedagogy” means?
According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.
Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?
__________ is a teacher centered model that focuses on student’s activities being guided by the teacher?
The person is influential communicator if:
The psychomotor domain involves___________?
The cognitive domain involves____________?
The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are____________?
When a student asks a Question to which the teaching has no direct, correct answer. What should the teacher do?
The main aim of classroom teaching is___________?
An assessment that is conducted prior to the start of teaching or instruction is called_____________?
According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are_____________?
According to Plato, the highest goal in all of education is knowledge of the____________?
The best technique of teaching at primary stage is______________?
The students learn most from those teachers who:
Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation?
Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?
Three merits of proficiency test are______________?
The advocators of philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is____________?
A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by_________?
The information about internet and computer makes children?
Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation and recitation is also known as___________?
National Education Policy 1970 was headed by___________?
The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her:
The new curriculum should be introduced__________?
The process with the help of which the students are divided into high / low achievers is?
The scope of curriculum include______________?
curriculum provides guidance for___________?
Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?