Hello welcome to the compilation of Deputy Director "Fill In" Promotion Examination questions 2020 and 2021

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Answer all questions in this section writing the correct answer in the spaces provided on the question paper.

57. According to Skinnerian operant conditioning theory, a negative reinforcement is.............

58. In classroom management the teachers. Strategies and techniques must be ..........

59. The ultimate purpose of supervision is to ensure .................

60. Which Sustainable Development Goal is directly related Education? ................

61. What does the sustainable development Goal directly relates to Education state?..................

62. The CSSPS seeks to improve the manual system of selection and placement of disqualified BECE candidates into public and private senior high schools, technical and vocational institutes by ...........................

63. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed .............................as International Day of .................in celebration of role of..............

64. The rational of educational planning in our education system is .....................

65. The primary role of the mentoring teacher in the school to the pre-service teacher is most appropriately described as

66. The Basic purpose for instructional supervision id for

67. When the schools head directs an investigation into suspected fraud, the only authorities to impose to impose sanctions are.........................

68. The Method of obtaining information to judge the worth of a curriculum whiles it is being implemented is known as...........................

69. The Ability of a student to use an appropriate rule principle to help him/her solve a problem without being prompted in specified in the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy as.................

70. The Type of assessment which is used to determine student’s strengths and weaknesses for correction and remediation is known as......................

71. In the chain of command of the GES headquarters, the Director General is the chief executive accountable to the ...............................

72. What is the core function of the National Inspectorate Board?.......

73. The main role for Educational Sector Analysis (ESA) is to............

74. The GES was establish in the year 1974 as a national organization under the Ministry of Education (MOE) by the Act..........

75. It is important for teachers to know the code of conduct because.............


Answer all questions in this section writing the correct answer in the spaces provided on the question paper.

The five principles of Learning (LFT) are a focus on learning , learning environment, learning dialogue, shared leadership and ..................

The implementation of the school performance improvement plan (SPIP), The Metropolitan/Municipal/District directorate of education is responsible mainly for..................

Complete the mission statement of GES: ‘’to ensure that all Ghanaian children of school going age are provided with inclusive and equitable.........

When a teacher encourages a student to support another student, it is a teaching strategy known as............

Paperless filling system means making use of............

In order for all students to move easily around the classroom a teacher can ...........................

The abbreviation EMIS as used in the education sector stands for ...............

There are three main domains of educational objectives. These are cognitive, Affective and

The agency of the Ministry of Education responsible for implementing periodic external evaluation of quality and standards in pre-tertiary education in Ghana is the

The type of motivation which involves of engaging in a behaviour because it is personally rewarding rather than the desire for external reward is known as

On the regional education office organogram, the drivers and security guards work under the

The Complementary Basic Education (CBE) programmed is targeted at which group of learners............

As at October 2020, the number of local administrative districts in Ghana was

There are two Deputies under the Director General within the GES organogram. We have the Director – Quality and Access and the Deputy Director-General

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