In the new curriculum, topics have been changed to ........
The term strand refers to. in the old curriculum
Classroom communication is normally considered as
In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be
The first phase of the curriculum is at its implementation stage and is from .......
In the new curriculum, teachers are now called...
The national council for curriculum assessment has introduced a new standard based curriculum for schools in Ghana
Absenteeism can be tackled by:
Nowadays, the most effective mode of learning is
A body of knowledge and set of competencies that form the basis for a quality education is termed as...
The term syllables has been changed to ....
An effective teaching aid is one which
The earliest studies on record of verbal learning and memory were conducted by:
“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, gives the message that
Instructional aides are used by the teacher to
_______ is a type of quality assurance process used in the country under which services and operations of pre tertiary schools and educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met
Which of the following is not a competency of the standard based curriculum?
A teacher can be successful if he/she
The curriculum identifies core competencies
Learning is the modification of behaviour which is relatively......................