
Answer all questions in this section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct or best answer on your question paper.

1. Which of the following is not a value of education sector?

2. What is the core mandate of the Ghana Education service?

3. The governing body tor the Ghana Education Service

4. Distinguish between Scheme of work, s, Terms and conditions of Service, T

5. The only apex disciplining authority chat has the power to endorse any recommendation to summarily dismiss a teaching and non-teaching a personal from the GES is the...........

6. Ghana Education Trust Fund (GET Fund) provides support mainly in the area of

7. Under the new primary school curriculum reform, standard-based curriculum means

8. The processes that improve the quality of teaching and learning are

I. Use of questioning, illustrations and demonstration in lesson delivery
II. Creation of opportunities for all learners to express their views
III. Encouragement of learners -initiated task through motivation such as praise and friendly dialogue.
IV. Effective class control by following established rules or conduct and checking disruptive behavior
v. Use appropriate procedures for assessing learners work

9. A teacher is to use appropriate methods, techniques and sound principles of tracing and learning such as .............................

i. Building on past learning or previous knowledge and positive reinforcement

ii. Providing guidance and practice in class before independent practice

iii. Motivation and sustaining pupil’s interest

iv. Distributing evaluative questions evenly

10. Complete the following Vision statement of the Ghana Education Service. The Ghana Education Service seeks to create an enabling environment in all education institution and management positions that will.................................

11. Which of the following is not a specific duty of the Ghana Education Service?

12. In a learner-centered school, which of the following activities would the school head encourage ?

13. Which of the following statement about students grouping is correct?

14. A test measures a student’s knowledge or a skill in relation to a curriculum standard is .................

15. Which of the following statement about teacher performance evaluation is not correct?

16. Which of the following statements about teacher summative performance evaluation is correct? The primary purpose is to

17. Which of the following statement about cooperative learning is correct? Cooperative learning..................

18. In performance evaluation, merit and worth are important concepts. Which of the following statement about them is correct?

19. Which of the following is /are data produce by norm- referenced test?

20. Which of the following statement about interdisciplinary teacher teaming is incorrect?

21. Which of the following statement about multi- track, year –round calendar is correct ...............

22. In a typical teaching and learning environment, student are mostly likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn when they ...................

23. Which of the following statements about school culture is correct?

24. Which of the following statements accurately describe the process of reaching consensus?

25. Decisions about what to do to improve school entail higher levels of uncertainly why?

26. School philosophy is a cornerstone for continuous school

27. In an open school climate...........................

28. A conflict matrix in relation to time tabling is designed to determine, which of the following courses that

29. As a strategy to improve schools, which statement is false about intensification mandate

30. Teachers pursing moral and ethnic behavior their schools usually

31. Which of the following statements about discipline and punish is correct

32. Teachers are advised that in matters of student’s discipline, student should ........................

33. Teachers are expected to engage in extensive analysis when making unprogrammed decisions is the school. Why?

34. Which of the following statement about teacher group decision make is correct?

35. Effective teaching recommendation includes........................

i. Presenting new materials in small steps with learners practice after each step

ii. Guiding learners as they begin to practice

iii. Providing systematic feedback and corrections

36. Which of the statements below is not an expectation of the national teacher’s standards? The standards expect the teacher to

37. Which of the following constitutes the national teacher standards?

38. Effective classroom management strategies do not include

39. Difference instruction is an effective method of teaching. Which statement accurately differentiated instruction? Differentiated instruction

40. One of the key learning objectives of sustainable development Goals (SDG) 4; to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of lifetime learning opportunities for all is that the learner

41. A / an .............. is an instrument used for measuring sample of behavior

42. Which one of the following processes is limited to quantitative description of a pupil’s performance

43. The purpose of evaluation is to make ...............about students

44. Evaluation is done to make judgment about the ..............of education.

45. The type of evaluation that monitors learning progress is

46. Which of the following is a process of obtaining numerical value for student’s characteristics?

47. A formal and systematic procedure of getting information about how much students have learnt is............

48. The purpose of evaluation in education is to

49. The best possible way of evaluating a student’s performance is through

50. The end of term exams conducted in schools are largely



Instructions: Answer All Questions In This Section Cy Circling The Letter Corresponding To The Best Answer

51. The district education oversight committee (DEOC) is a structure to facilitate community participation in education

52. The capitation grant was introduced in basic schools to remove fees as a barrier to access to education

53. One of the objectives of the 2008 Education Reform Programme is to enhance education sector management and budgeting procedure

54. An attribute of good government in GES is non-delegation of management control of an institution

55. The core function of the Ghana Education Service is to formulate approved structure and content of education in the Country

56. The Ghana Education Service Act, 2008 (Act 778) is the current Act governing the Ghana Education Service.

57. A school’s “informal organization” refers to the structure of extracurricular activities.

58. Giving teachers the authority responsible to apply their own professional knowledge to making decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect of collegially.

59. Teacher survey is not a effective way of collecting data about instructional and organizational effectiveness.

60. Non- referenced test cannot be used to improve instruction.

61. Value-added assessment focuses on students learning gained in an academic year.

62. Complexity in school scheduling relates to meeting the differences needs of students

63. Schools heads should refrainfrom conducting community surveys

64. Newly trained teachers are socialized in order to perpetuate the culture of the school

65. Teachers exercise leadership in the school in their operations

66. A school is considered efficient if inputs are low and output are high

67. Grading student’s performance has a powerful influence on school culture and contributes to shape how students learn both classroom an outside of classroom

68. Consensus is planning increases teacher sense of ownership in school improvement

69. Visioning identifies destination, planning provides the goal and strategies to get there

70. Efficiency as a value affect school policy decision

71. Normative system such as grading on the curve work against collaborative learning strategies

72. Involving teachers in the employment interviews of prospective teachers for the department is bad is idea

73. Performances tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions

74. It is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach

75. Grades as indicated of what students have learned become tainted if non-academic factors are counted an include in the evaluation

5 Responses

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    I encourage you to upload every year’s promotion question and their answers as well on your site.
    Good bless you.
    Stay blessed.
    Thanks so much!

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