GALOP is a Ghana government funded project for improving quality education in low performing Basic schools.
The minimum levels of practice described under the national teacher’s standards for beginner teachers include professional values.
The ministry of education by law reports to parliament and hence does not need an advisory body.
The free senior high school policy came to replace a system of second cycle education where tuition fees were paid partly by government and partly by parents.
School heads can encourage staff to work towards achieving school goals by inviting their inputs in the preparation of annual budgets, procurement and action plans
The principle of efficiency, as applied to the duty of the school head is measured by the mobilization of resources to achieve results.
A school head who is devoted to duty will not be absent or late to school
. Under the current educational reform in Ghana, SHS 1 is now considered as BS 10.
The Ghana education service is the implementer of all educational policies, programme's and Interventions of the ministry of education
The sustainable development goals identify education as a driver towards the attainment of all the goal.
As part of their professional development, a teacher is required to develop a dossier (or folder) of his/her activities, which is also a requirement for licensure. This dossier is referred to as assessment portfolio
To ensure effective classroom management, it is essential to encourage disciplined student only to help you build classroom expectations.
Curriculum can be defined as planned experiences provided by the school to assist pupils in attaining designated learning outcome to the best of their ability
. It is important for teachers as instructional leaders to be fair, firm, and consistent as the maintain effective student control in the classroom and uphold the rules of the school
The Ghana national commission for UNESCO is an agency of the ministry of education
The functions of the Ghana education service at the regional level include the appointment of boards of schools and colleges.
The curriculum research and development division (CRDD) is to national council for curriculum and assessment (NaCCA) as the teacher education division (TED) is to national teaching council.
The vision of the. Ministry of education is to build a highly educated and skilled nation where Some Ghanaians everywhere can achieve their potential
In the Ghanaian education system, basic schools are governed by school management Committees (SMC), whereas senior high schools are governed by school councils
The board of governors of a senior high school has the power to control the general policies of the school.
The free senior high school policy came to replace a system of second cycle education where tuition fees were paid partly by government and partly by parents.
The Ministry of Education was established before independence
When a teacher conducts a class test with the purpose of obtaining continuous assessment scores for their records, such a teacher will be said to be engaged in assessment for learning
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) were adopted to address outstanding challenges and gaps from the millennium development goals (MDGs).
School heads can encourage staff to work towards achieving school goals by inviting their inputs in the preparation of annual budgets, procurement and action plans
Members of the Ghana education council are appointed by the minister of education